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Managing Leave Webcast 2023

Managing Leave Webcast 2023

Managing Leave Webcast 2023
21 Aug 2023

Managing Leave Webcast 2023

Date of live event: Tuesday 5 September

When it comes to leave entitlements, understanding your legal obligations as an employer and clearly communicating employee rights and responsibilities is essential. With recent changes to parental leave, annual leave shutdowns and the introduction of paid family and domestic violence leave it’s important for employers to stay on top of things.

This one-hour session presented by Kyle Scott and Jordan Lombardelli covers what you need to know to effectively manage these entitlements ensuring a successful outcome for all parties.

The session will cover:

  • Paid annual and personal leave entitlements
  • The changes to parental leave
  • The introduction of paid family and domestic violence leave
  • Working on a public holiday

Related resources

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